Monday, October 31, 2011

It's Been a While...

So business is BOOMING...certainly a good problem to have so you won't catch me complaining! lol But it also creates a few challenges, such as finding time to keep this blog updated! Since FB has served as a wonderful marketing tool lately, I've reluctantly neglected the blog simply because there are NOT enough hours in the day to post sneak peeks and write about my wonderful clients! I've been meaning to go back and add posts for every shoot I've missed but since that has proven to be impossible, I guess the best option is to start fresh from here. :-) To all of my clients who may notice their sessions missing from the blog - I am truly sorry...but chances are your images are on FB and you never check here for them anyway! lol
To all of you who still take the time to check for new posts, and all of you visiting for the first "new" blog will now take on a slightly different format. I will occassionaly post sneak peeks from sessions but I also plan to let this be a glimpse into my life and approach toward the art of photography. Be on the lookout for informative posts regarding lighting, exposure, and posing as well as tips and tricks for quick edits in photoshop and other digital editing softwares. I get questions frequently on these topics so I decided to make this a place where my friends and fellow photogs could come for answers and get a unique perspective on how I approach my craft in the process. Hope it proves to be a fun, easy, and helpful read! It's exciting to know that I may be sharing something that helps readers from San Diego to New York...coast to coast! lol My hope is that this blog will become a favorite of many who appreciate and enjoy photography as much as I do.

I'll be working on my first "real" post this week so keep checking back and once it's up, let me know what you think! I'd love to get some feedback!

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